Google: Headings With Hierarchical Structure An “Awesome Idea”

February 04, 2023

Google’s John Mueller discussed heading elements with a member of the SEO community where he affirmed the usefulness of using hierarchical structure when using heading elements. Background Context to What Mueller SaidHeading elements <H1> – <H6> are supposed to be used to indicate what a section of a webpage is about. The Mozilla developer reference page about the use of headings recommends:“The <h1> to <h6> HTML elements represent six levels of section headings. The role of heading elements are now about telling search engines what a section of content is about. These people benefit when section titles make it possible to predict what each section contains.”So thank you John Mueller for calling attention to the benefits of using headings with a hierarchical structure, for calling attention to how hierarchical structure is useful for Google and for accessibility.

The source of this news is from Search Engine Journal