What Is Pogo-Sticking in SEO? Expert Strategies and Tips

April 20, 2024

While pogo-sticking itself may not cause your rankings to fall, the causes of pogo-sticking can. How Pogo-Sticking Affects Your SiteIf your site consistently leads to pogo-sticking, it can point to a bad user experience, or low-quality or irrelevant content. Solution: Write accurate meta tags that align with your page's content so visitors are met with the content they expect when clicking through. Here’s an example of a meta description for the Semrush homepage that aligns with the page's content:Measuring Pogo-Sticking in SEO with Google AnalyticsUnfortunately, you can’t measure pogo-sticking. Minimize Pogo-Sticking in SEO with SemrushMany factors affect pogo-sticking in SEO: search intent, accessibility, page speed, and more.

The source of this news is from Semrush