How to Learn SEO (Basics, Tips & Free Resources)

March 31, 2023

And give you useful tips on how to learn SEO on your own. Further resources:How Search Engines WorkTo understand how to do SEO, you need a basic understanding of how search engines work. Local SEO : SEO for a local business website, aimed at getting more customers to your physical location (further reading: Local SEO): SEO for a local business website, aimed at getting more customers to your physical location (further reading: Local SEO) International SEO : SEO related to websites that serve multiple languages and locations (further reading: International SEO): SEO related to websites that serve multiple languages and locations (further reading: International SEO) Ecommerce SEO: SEO aimed at online stores (further reading: Ecommerce SEO)These specific types of SEO are only relevant to you if your website falls into one (or more) of the respective categories (e.g., if you run a website for a local business). Set Up and Learn Google Search ConsoleGoogle Search Console is a free Google tool that allows you to monitor your site’s performance in Google Search. SEO BlogsReliable SEO blogs can teach you SEO basics, provide you with proven strategies, and keep you up with the latest news.

The source of this news is from Semrush