Google’s March 2023 Broad Core Update: What You Need To Know

April 06, 2023

Let me discuss my insights and a few key strategies to help you deal with the March 2023 Core Update. The information we get about these updates is limited, as you can see from Google’s official document on core updates and their announcement post. Google’s March 2023 Core Update was released on the 15th of March and officially finished rolling out on the 28th of March, 07:26 PDT. All in all, it can be difficult to diagnose whether the losses (or gains) you’re experiencing now are due to the March 2023 Core Update. If significant drops are aligned with the initial rollout date (March 15, 2023) or the official finish date (March 28, 2023), then it’s likely caused by the Core Update.

The source of this news is from SEO Hacker