Google Debunks The “Index Bloat” Theory

June 09, 2023

Google’s John Mueller debunks the “Index Bloat” theory, stating there’s no limit on the number of pages indexed per site. The Theory Behind Index BloatThe term “index bloat” describes a situation where search crawlers index pages that aren’t ideal for search results. Google’s Response to the Index Bloat TheoryMueller debunks the index bloat theory, stating:“I’m not aware of any concept of index bloat at Google. The “Causes” Of Index BloatThose who support the index bloat theory often cite causes such as accidental page duplication, incorrect robots.txt files, and poorly performing or thin content. “Detecting” Index BloatProponents of the index bloat theory have suggested using tools like Google Search Console to detect index bloat by comparing the number of indexed pages to what is expected.

The source of this news is from Search Engine Journal